

MoU between Media Sac and Knowledge Center

A memorandum of understanding and partnership was signed between Media Sac for Media and Development and Knowledge Center for Strategic Studies, today in Mukalla.

The memorandum aims to enhance cooperation between the two parties in spreading the culture of human rights related to the common goals of the two parties. According to the memorandum, the two parties will cooperate in spreading awareness and education on human rights, preparing joint publications, and exchanging publications for each of the two parties.

The signing was in the presence of Miss Areena Omar, CEO of Media Sac, Dr. Omar Bajerdana, Head of the Knowledge Center, Mr. Hisham Al-Kaf, Executive Director of the Knowledge Center, and Eng. Saba Al-Amoudi, Programs and Projects Officer at Media Sac.

On the other hand, the two parties blessed this signing, which seeks to strengthen the partnership between civil society organizations.

It is worth mentioning that Media Sac for Media and Development is a civil society organization that seeks to promote the principle of free media and media rights and freedoms, as well as contribute to the protection and empowerment of women.


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